Don’t Let Your Heart Be Troubled

The time is now,             

               For the unleashing of power.

                              My power.

For the time is and soon will be,

When men’s hearts go weak, and their feet will stumble.

But to the elect who believe, they will rejoice and be glad.

They will see My power.

They will see My Glory.

And lift up holy praise unto the Lord, because their redemption draweth nigh.

So be of good cheer My children.

I have overcome the world, and its power to harm you.

Stand and see your deliverance.

Watch and see My strong arm of power,

To uphold and protect.

   To disarm and discomfit your enemies.

Now is the time to rejoice.

Do not withhold your praise.

For the battle is the Lord’s.


Part 2

For the destruction of the wicked is at hand.

Just as My children in Egypt saw the destruction of their enemies,

My children shall see the destruction of their oppressors.

For I Am God, and I shall not be mocked.

Do not fear.

Do not let your heart be troubled.

I Am a God Who saves.

I AM the God Who hears the affliction of His people.

So live, move, and have your trust in Me. And not what you see.

For what you see,

What you know,

I AM turning it all around for your good sayeth the Lord.



Living Water