Honor. It’s something all of us can do regardless of whether or not we wore a military uniform. It’s an action. A choice. At Kingdom Life we want to support the mission to recognize our veterans for the service they gave and continue to inspire.

Honoring Our Veterans

We believe in

Mount Up on Wings as Eagles

This premium tee is illustrated to honor our veterans, their families, and their resilience to rise above the challenges uniquely encountered by military service. The F-15 Eagle is symbolic of the eagle in Isaiah 40:31 which says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Click to Purchase Yours Today!

“The best part of my veteran’s shirt is it reminds me that I am still a soldier — a soldier in the army of God. And it is a huge blessing to be infiltrating the enemy’s camp.”

— Christina

Available in a tee. Or sticker.