Empty Me to Fill Me

Lord, I pray, empty me of all self-ambition.


Come unto Me.

Stay in My Presence, and you will not seek your own will.

Come unto Me with your disappointments,



               All that would occupy your mind.

I care about each waking moment.

I orchestrate your steps and design your path.

I AM your Rock,

               Your Redeemer,

               The One who holds your dear.

Don’t let your thoughts be distracted to what your arms can’t enfold.

But embrace Me. Embrace more of My Presence.

I Am always here to help. To listen.

I care about My children and the things that concern them.

So come to Me first.

I shall not be second.

Give heed always to Me your Savior and Refuge.

Your strong Protector and Deliverer.


The Longest Ride


The Sweet Spot