The Sweet Spot

Recently the Hub and I decided it was time to downsize and move from our acreage back to town after nearly 17 years. Not gonna lie, it was a lot. Going through and rediscovering the girls’ old drawings, old pictures, and rekindling fond memories. Was a lot. Not to mention packing and carrying boxes. Now, with the sale suddenly pending it was all coming to a literal close. Things were on a fast track, and we were just a week away from moving. Or so I thought.

An unexpected call from the title company sent unwelcome ripples to potentially postpone everything. “Deb, I’m sorry but we discovered a lien on your house.” That couldn’t be. But it was. She explained that evidently when our mortgage was bought out, the original lender never submitted a lien release. “That mortgage company has been out of business for years, but it’s still possible we can close as scheduled, let me get on this. This is not entirely unusual,” she added. Her positive tone offered a small ray of hope. But inwardly I shuddered at the thought of staying in our near empty home for an additional two weeks. Most of the furniture had already been donated. Moving arrangements had already been made. Now this.  

Driving home that evening after work I had a choice. I surrendered all the care and concern of this over to the Lord. And left it in His capable hands. I found myself praying from a place of depth that was unusual. I knew my heartfelt prayer was heard. And I believed with my whole heart it was answered. The peace was tangible. In that moment I knew surely, that God watched over His word to perform it. In that space, faith connected with the Word.

It reminded me of playing softball years ago. On occasion I would swing, and the ball would connect with the bat at “the sweet spot.” Here, the bat doesn’t shimmy in your hands. There is a holy ease. I knew instantly before taking one step toward first base it was a solid hit. Not only would I safely get on base, but I might get all the way to home plate! The scriptures describe this beautifully in Mark 11:23-25. “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. (NKJV).  

These verses put the emphasis on speaking what you want. Three times it mentions the word “say.” There is an action required on us when we partner with God’s holy Word. And it’s to be done when we pray. The spiritual force of our words changes natural things because the spirit has authority.

Two days later the title agent called back with confirmation. She did receive a lien release and we were moving forward with closing as scheduled. Yep, an obstacle was thrown at us. But we hit back with faith-filled words, and the result was we arrived safe at home.    


Empty Me to Fill Me


Stay the Course