Stay the Course

Don’t let your mistakes rule over you.


Receive forgiveness from the Father,

And realign your thoughts to My thoughts.

I said in My word to cast down vain imaginations,

And every thought that would exalt itself above My word.

You shall soar with wings of eagles.

You shall run and not be weary.

You shall not be weighted down by the things of this world.

You are a holy nation.

               A royal priesthood.

                              A peculiar people.

Be only strong and of a good courage.

Stir up the gifts inside of you,

And align your thoughts to Mine.

Speak My word,

               And your enemies shall scatter.

All doubt, unbelief, fear, frustration,

               It has to go in the name of Jesus.

Invite yourself into My loving presence,

               Where you are welcome.

Let Me enfold My arms around you.

Stand in My presence,

         And be refreshed.

               Be renewed.

               Be encouraged.

For I have loved you with an everlasting love.

I have carried your burdens.

I have known the assault on your mind by the enemy.

But I have also equipped you with a spirit of might,

         A spirit of joy.

         Not to mention My word and My armor.

Did I not say be filled with the Spirit?

Don’t let yourself be depleted by the things that vie for your attention.

But keep your attention and your thoughts on Me, saith the Lord.

Be mindful of where your attention is directed.

Do not consider the wind and waves of your circumstances to dictate,

         And direct your attention off Me.

Stay the course.

Stay focused.

Stay in the word.

Speak to the giants. Speak to the mountains.

Watch these great circumstances fall flat like the walls of Jericho.

And you shall walk upon them as like walking upon a sidewalk.

The things that beset you,

        Shall be under the soles of your feet.

        And nothing shall cling to your feet.

I make your paths straight.

I show you where to walk.

Is not the light of My word a lamp unto your feet?

        Most assuredly it is.

So rise.

Be of good courage.

For today’s battles are the Lord’s.

And I will keep you in perfect peace. For I AM the Prince of Peace.

Enjoy your day with Me today.

And remember, I AM with you always.


The Sweet Spot


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