Resurrecting a Dream


We are so excited to see our Kingdom Life vision come to life! As we write this, our first round of shirts are being finished, and we are eagerly waiting to share them with all of you!

But first - we wanted to take a moment to reflect on how we got the vision for this. Here is a note from our founder:

By all accounts Thursday, June 3, 2021, was an unremarkable day. I can’t tell you what did or did not get done. Just a regular go to work, cook, toss a load of clothes in the wash, and try not leave dirty dishes in the sink before you-go-to-bed sort of day. But what happened that evening I could give you a timeline for.

According to my journal it was at 10:30 p.m. when I rolled out of bed and jotted down a few words. I had no clue what direction this would take me, or rather what adventure I was preparing for. Legibly written on a journal page is Kingdom Living, and underneath, live life abundantly.

Oh, and off to the side was the comment, would make a good t-shirt. Lol.

But then at 11:25 p.m. and continuing off and on throughout the night, I received from the Lord a download of thoughts and ideas for an online t-shirt business. Logo designs. Product designs. Pages of late night, early morning sketches.

On the way to work that day it's fair to say I was simply amazed. Perhaps overwhelmed. I had long since given up any dream of having some sort of small business. On the rare occasion when the thought would cross my mind, I intentionally swept it away. I did not want to dwell on that.

Been there before. Tried it years ago. Didn't work.

But now, I was gently reminded of the verse that tells us Jesus is the life and the resurrection. He can even resurrect dreams.

Friend, let me invite you to encounter Jesus who reveals that He came so we might have life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10b). He so desires a relationship with you. You have value. You have worth. Before the foundation of the world was laid, you were known by Him.

Jeremiah 29:11 NKJV speaks, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end."

Relationship is not the same as religion. Don't confuse the two.

At Kingdom Life I pray our illustrated designs exhort and encourage you of promises found in the scriptures. That they would also provide you a platform to share your testimony with others, so they may experience kingdom living.


Deb Mitchell


Invited to the Throne Room