Invited to the Throne Room

Let's say the year is 1500 AD, and you, a commoner, have just been informed that the King invited you to speak with him in his throne room. Because of your social status, it makes no sense. Standing before the King is something people with titles do, not you.

But something happened. A separation that once existed has now disappeared.

Spiritually, this is what happened at the death of Jesus.

The moment Jesus gave up his spirit, Scripture states "the veil of the temple was torn in two" (Matthew 27:50-51). No longer was there a separation from the temple's most holy place.

Before, only the Jewish priesthood could enter God's presence.

Afterward, any who follow Him are called a "royal priesthood*" who can "boldly enter His throne room**" and are the "dwelling place***" of His Spirit.

This means we are at all times connected to the most powerful God, and this powerful God has even:

  • invited us to come before Him for anything we need.

  • given us the authority to do His work on earth.

  • welcomed us to just be in His presence and worship Him.

  • given us His Spirit -- our advocate and helper.

We will never face an attack from the enemy without our Father being with us.

If you are up against something that feels impossible, know this: You are invited by God Himself to come before Him with all of your worries, and He desires to carry your burdens for you. He desires to set you free from worry. He desires for you to experience an abundant life.

You just need to first come into His throne room. You've already been invited. Will you come before Him?

* I Peter 2:9

**Hebrews 4:16

***Ephesians 2:19


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