Never a Stranger

You have never been a stranger to me.

You have never been so far removed

               That I could not find you.

Your steps always brought you back to Me.

For I AM faithful to deliver the righteous,

               My elect.

Consider yourself loved.

Know you are loved by Me.

I would never hurt you or harm you.

I AM not like any other.

I AM your protector,

               Your shield and buckler,

               Your strong tower.

I AM upholds the righteous.

I AM upholds the elect.

So do not fear,

               Do not doubt

                              But trust.

Trust My ability to bring you through.

Trust that I hear your hearts cry for your children.

Trust that I walk with you through the valleys.

And trust that I your Redeemer

         Will cause you to walk in the high places

         Above the cares of the world.

So set your heart

               Set your mind

                              On the things above.

And let Me take your hand

               As we travel pathways together.

For it is not in your strength

               But by My Spirit that you are equipped.

A prophetic word received on 2.14.24


Keys on the Counter


Between the Tangerine Skies