A Prophetic Word

Speak therefore and not hold back.

For the time is now.

         To be bold.

         To declare from the housetops,

                             the things of God.

For the Lord is making manifest.

         His infinite wisdom.

         His declarations.

He is moving among His people.

         His chosen.

         His remnant.

                            For such a time as this.

Be bold.

Be a vessel.

        A light that shines brightly, in the dark places.

Oh, that you would be an epistle!

        Read of all men.

I would have you do more.

        Seek more.

        Consecrate more.

        Be uplifted more.

Don’t hold back or shrink back.

      For now, is the time to ready yourself.

                             To lift up the sword.

                             To do battle.

Why do you doubt?

Why do you hold back?

Have I not said, fear not?

So, go forward with My witness.

        My power in you shall not be withstood.

My words shall not be muffled.

       Shall not be kept under wraps.

Greater have I called you.

Deeper shall you go with Me.

        Fear not.

        Do not be dismayed.

There shall be a time of reckoning.

I move My hand, and My body responds.

So break out and break forth.


For the time is at hand.

Weeping, mourning, and sorrow.

                              Are not for this time.

Dance and rejoice at My coming.

                              In strength and power.

                              In beauty and majesty.

I unveil My bride.

My hidden glory.


Between the Tangerine Skies


The Power of Seeing as God Sees